Examining the diffusion of coronavirus disease 2019 cases in a metropolis: a space syntax approach


The urban built environment (BE) has been globally acknowledged as one of the main factors that afects the spread of infectious disease. However, the efect of the street network on coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID19) incidence has been insufciently studied. Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2, which causes COVID19, is far more transmissible than previous respiratory viruses, such as severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus, which highlights the role of the spatial confguration of street network in COVID-19 spread, as it is where humans have contact with each other, especially in high-density areas. To fll this research gap, this study utilized space syntax theory and investigated the efect of the urban BE on the spatial difusion of COVID-19 cases in Hong Kong.

International journal of health geographics
Zhewei Liu
Zhewei Liu

My research interests include spatial big data analytics, volunteered geographic information, human mobility.
